The Young Weaver Bird

Some of the youngsters of the weaver birds have no clue what it takes to impress a mate. They think all you have to do is build a nest and she will be pleased. as time goes by they try their best to woe the females but they don’t even pay attention for their cute […]
The Evening in Amboseli

This is how animals have learned to evolve in Amboseli, while we think its a problem for them as the environment changes to the its normal. They take every change with lots of ease. Remember they were there before we did, and these changes have been there before…
An Evening in Amboseli

This is how animals have learned to evolve in Amboseli, while we think its a problem for them as the environment changes to the its normal. They take every change with lots of ease. Remember they were there before we did, and these changes have been there before.
Good Morning, Africa

It is 5:15 in the morning. The morning birds sing for joy celebrating the break of dawn. Inside my tent all the lights are off, and I hear a little cricket crackling at the edge of the tent covers. Just when I turn and pull the covers over me thinking it’s still too early for […]